Earth Day and a Freebie

I loved celebrating Earth Day this year with my kiddos and included a lot of activities during Literacy Workshop.  Last week, we read several books about being green and even watched a few Discovery Education videos on the topic.  I mentioned that we would be celebrating Earth Day on the 22nd and one of my cuties said "It should be Earth Day, every day!"  Bless his little heart.
Living at the beach, it's especially important to teach my littles the importance of taking care of the Earth.  Driving home today, the guy in front of me kept throwing his trash out of his window.  It was driving me insane.  I have been known to pick up people's cigarette butts after they toss them on the ground and hand them back to them {luckily I haven't been smacked...yet}!

I snagged these cutie patootie flip books {free} from my fellow So Cal Blogger Lauren and added to one of our centers for the week! 

We also used several of Katie King's Busy Teacher April Edition for Earth Day writing during centers.

My firsties worked on this adorable Missing Addend activity.  It was a great reminder that my kiddos need more practice with problems where the sum is first rather than last.

My most favorite activity was this adorable craftivity that I've hung up in time for Open House.  I love tear art because it's so easy.  It gave me times to have my 1st graders take their end of the year test while my 2nd graders did this project independently.

I made this little sign to hang up with their art.  Snag yours for free!
Border by Krista Walden and Clip Art by Graphics from the Pond
Feel free to use some of these this year or save them away for next year.  How did your class celebrate?

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