Writing Process {Drafting} Made a Little Easier

I love teaching the Writing Process and I discovered a little tip a few years ago that really helped me keep my sanity once I started implementing it.  Copying writing from their draft to their final paper was a bit tricky, especially for my lower guys and EL friends.  They didn't always know what they were suppose to copy, especially if there were many errors that we fixed when we revised and edited it together.  So here you go, a tip that according to my Instagram followers, is a life saver!!!
As we're conferencing, I highlight exactly what they need to copy.  It helps my strugglers stay focused and my short-attention span friends stay on task just a bit longer.  Plus, they love how the lines go up and down because "it looks like a roller coaster!'  

You can snag this Drafting paper freebie and use it with your little scholars.  I also put extra space in between each line so there's more room for revising and editing marks.


  1. I love this idea! My firsties are so confused by the drafting process! They don't understand the purpose behind writing a final draft. But I already wrote it!....is what I hear a lot of. Not all, but those strugglers. This will help a lot with them, thanks for the idea!

  2. Heather,
    I'm so glad. I promise this will make it a little easier!
