Real Teacher Talk with Sheila Jane Teaching & Easy Teaching Tools: Calm Your Nerves for Back to School

I'm so excited to share with you a new collaboration with my friend Sheila from Sheila Jane Teaching.  If you don't know Sheila, you should!  She so dang positive, genuine, and pretty inspiring. She lives up in Wine Country here in California and is the creative genius behind "The Teach Happy Community."  She offers memberships for teachers to help them avoid teacher burn out, she offers coaching sessions, and has amazing podcasts with your favorite teachers.   You can view my podcast at Episode #3.

So a couple of weeks ago, we chatted about doing a talk show of sorts that focused on real teacher issues without all of the fluff.  I love the teacher community, but sometimes it's so PC that it isn't always realistic to me.  Every Thursday at 6pm PST, we'll be chatting on Periscope, a free app. about real topics.  Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Periscope for updates!
Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools on Instagram
Sheila from Sheila Jane Teaching on Instagram
We've got the same handles/account names for Periscope!

This week, we'll be talking about Back to School Anxiety and our BEST tips to Calm your Nerves for Back to School.  When our scope is over, I'll be sure to upload the video here for you all!

I'm just curious do you get a bit of anxiety about heading back? If so, what do you do to calm your nerves?
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