Hang Ten: School's Almost Out Giveaway

I don't know about you, but the end of the year countdown has been is officially on in my classroom!  May 30th will be bittersweet.  We've still got a lot of learning going on so I've teamed up with some amazing women in the blogging world {whose blogs, resources, and ideas I absolutely love} to bring you a fun giveaway!  If you can't wait for the end of the giveaway, snag some of these amazing resources just in time for the big TpT sale!

My kiddos are just as excited as I am for summer.  We've still got a few weeks left so these fun centers will let them "hang at the beach" while still learning and reviewing.
If you're like me, you'r obsessed with Nikki's adorable clip art.  They make all of my projects, resources, and signs so stinkin' cute!
Ashely is a machine.  The girl doesn't sleep {according to me} because she makes pumps out amazing  products all week long.  She is seriously a stud!
I wish I knew Corinna when I lived in Hawaii.  I love all of her stuff because they remind me of the islands.  She's the first person I turn to when I'm in need of great activities for my 2nd graders.
Kayla's reading passages have been a lifesaver as a combo teacher.  They are differentiated for 3 different levels and are amazing for homework and centers.
Angie is such a doll.  Her and Ashley collaborate often and I look forward to her great stuff.  Make sure to check out her End of the Year camp out.  Can't wait to meet these two in July for the TpT conference.
Vicki is a great teacher who I was lucky enough to finally meet a few months ago at our So Cal Blogger Meet Up!
Michelle creates the most adorable stuff for kinder friends.  She's my go-to for craftivities!
Courtney and I met a few years ago back when we were working at the same school.  She is a lover of children's lit and is an amazing resource.
Jamie makes the most adorable things.  Plus, she's a rockstar because she drove all the way from Northern California for our Blogger Meet Up.
Amy is fairly new to the blogging world and has great products in her TpT store.  I love that all of her products have the CCSS on the coverage, which makes for easy organization! 

Thank you sweet friends for entering and have a happy few weeks left with your kiddos!


  1. There is an error in the rafflecopter, under Blog: Lauge Love Teach Learn :) hope you get it fixed soon

  2. Valerie,
    It's fixed now, thanks!

  3. Thank you for hosting such a jam-packed giveaway and for thinking of us all! Each of you are wonderful!

  4. What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. That was fun, looking forward to seeing all your fun products!

  6. So great!!! Thanks for the chance!!
