So Cal Blogger Meet Up

When I began my journey as a teacher in 2005, I figured I'd teach my kiddos how to read, write, be good citizens and friends. I'd collaborate with staff, grade papers when I got home, and leave the rest in the classroom. You know, the usual.  I had no idea teaching would be the way it is today.  Or heck, I'd be the teacher I've become.  I have a special Instagram and Facebook dedicated to teaching {that's not normal for most}!!!  When the girls at work heard that I have a "Teacher Instagram," they told me that I need a life {joking of course}!
 But thanks to social media and TpT, I've "met" some awesome teachers from all over the country who are just as crazy passionate as myself.  We collaborate daily, learn about one another through photos, and share in each others setbacks and milestones.  I'd seen other teachers in Indy, Florida, Nashville, and South Carolina meet up with each other, so why not here in sunny Southern California?!?!  I enlisted the help from a former co-worker, Courtney over at Ramona Recommends and we set a date.

Courtney is the creative one of the bunch and I'm more into organizing and planning.  She made the most adorable invite and name tags.  She even had a local bakery make the cutest California-shaped cookies.  They were a huge hit!
We did change the location to The Cheesecake Factory
These cute name tags made me feel so "grown-up"

Are these not just the cutest things you've ever seen???

I created a fun basket for the raffle winner.  It included books {thanks to Scholastic points}, adorable organizational items from Target, washi tape, a happy little cup filled with teas to save you from those kid germs, a few products from our amazing bloggers, and more!
The morning came and I was beyond excited {like dancing to a little Justin Timberlake while getting ready kind of excited} and a little nervous.  It's like we all knew each other online but were going to meet in "real life" for the first time.  It felt like a first online date.  Luckily there were a bunch of us and we were meeting in a public place!  Jokes aside, it was exciting and a bit overwhelming.  I knew everyone from their blog names, so trying to remember real names was quite the task!  I promise I'll be better next time ladies!
Palm trees in So Cal
Here's a group shot of these amazing women at The Cheesecake Factory at Fashion Island {the staff was beyond accommodating}
Here's Jessica, a wonderful teacher and Cheryl {Auntie's Sweet Life}, a hilarious teacher, bonding over being married on Maui.  Jessica won the raffle prize and Cheryl cracked hilarious jokes.  We're already planning on a night out in San Diego.
Meeting Katie Knight from Teacher to the Core was insanely exciting.  I felt like I was meeting a celebrity and am still on cloud nine!  She was incredibly kind, genuine, and inspiring.  Being in a room full of all of these women who are passionate about teaching gave me a sense of peace and affirmation. It was also great to catch up with Courtney; we hadn't seen each other since the end of the last teaching year.

Katie, Lauren {A Teachable Teacher} and Caitlin {Teach Inspire Change} bonding over girl-talk.  How adorable are these So Cal girls?!?!
Chelsea from Fifth grade Wit and Whimsy shared amazing insight about her experience teaching in Watts. Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6, is a super star blogger for the upper grades, I had no idea!
Molly {Lessons with Laughter} is my sweet tooth twin.  I'm so glad she was one of the few who ordered cheesecake, I felt less guilty!  Jessica {Mrs. Peterson Loves to Teach} and Jamie {Laugh Love Learn} drove all the way down from Fresno to join in on the fun.  How awesome is that??? Beth {A Kindergarten Life for Me} was incredibly kind and so easy to talk to.  She also made the most adorable goodie bags for us girls.  Vick {Teaching and Much Moore}was one of the first IG teacher friends I interacted with when I joined a year ago.  She always leaves positivity on my page and I'm grateful.  We bonded over places we lived and she gave me wonderful tips to transform my blog.
Janice is a doll whose spunky personality is contagious.  I'm so glad she was able to make it!  Another great blogger who I sat next to was Angela {lightscamerateach}.  She just spent a few days camping but was kind enough to stop by and share some wisdom.  We also caught her up on the Real Housewives and why we love those crazy ladies!
Adorable goodie bags from Beth.  They were filled with pointers, candy, and a sweet note.
I swear, teachers are so dang creative!
Looks like Courtney and I were having a good time picking a winner of the gift basket!
Winner, winner!!!
Our Fresno girls who had a fun day of shopping ahead before a 4 hour drive back to Nor Cal.

I seriously had the  best time and wouldn't change a thing.  I left the meet up feeling revitalized, inspired, and even more excited about teaching.  It felt great to be surrounded by teachers who truly wanted to be there.  It wasn't like one of those PDs where everyone is miserable and would rather be anywhere but at another training.  Thank you girls for showing up from all over California.  I can't wait for our next weekend meet up in San Diego.  Who's in???


  1. Kristen, you did such a great job capturing the day! I can't wait until San Diego!

    A Teachable Teacher

  2. Kristen, you and Courtney did an amazing job of setting everything up! I had such a wonderful time meeting and chatting with everyone. :)
    San don't have to tell me twice! I am there!

    Fifth Grade Wit and

  3. This sj such a fabulous recap of the day! You expressed many of the same feelings I had! I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful Saturday afternoon :) Thank you for putting everything together for us! I can't wait for SD!!

  4. This brought back wonderful memories of a very FUN day ( that won't be soon forgotten)! Thanks again for hosting with Courtney and I'm so excited for the next time we hang out!! :) Jessica Preece

  5. Holy fun times sister. I gotta get my blog on to share my pics too, This was some serious fun!!!

  6. Kristen - it was awesome finally meeting you in person. You are just as sweet as I knew you would be...thanks for being the hostess with the mostess! We need another one soon.
    Teaching and Much Moore

  7. I had SO much fun!! Thanks for all the planning you put into it. It was PERFECT!!!! So..... when is the NEXT one? LOL :)

  8. This looks like it was so much fun! I was sad that we weren't able to come out and make it, but we are planning our very own meet up here in AZ now!! If you want to you should totally come out! We would love to have you!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
