March ELA Centers and a "Magic Container" Sight Word Activity

I love March, not just because it's a short month AND we are on Spring Vacation the last week, but I'm loving it because this is a great time of the year because everything starts to "click" and kiddos are showing amazing progress.  This year school year has been a challenge with implementing Common Core {the first time in California} to its fullest teaching a combo class and a brand new grade-level.  I'm finally feeling comfortable in the way the class is running and spent a little extra time creating March-themed ELA and Math centers that reviewed skills some of my kiddos struggled with during the  3rd quarter of the year.  Yes...we're on the quarter system.

I'm going to show you the centers I'm most proud of creating thus far and different activities from each.
I designed these for my 2nd graders

This set is similar to the 2nd grade set, with a few changes. It's great for 1st great an a wonderful review for 2nd grade. Compare the table of contents above and below for minor differences.  They are the same activities for the most part, but different skills are being covered to align with Common Core.

Teaching parts-of-speech has never been a strong point so I'm really pushing it this year.  Especially since so many of my 2nd graders came to me without a strong background.
The Scoot or Task Card game is my favorite.  Just put the cards around the room.  Since we're using them the entire week during Literacy Workshop, I tape them up, in number orders.  Since we play this game all the time, I normally put them in the same spot to eliminate any confusion and to foster working independently.

My kiddos grab a clipboard and record their answers.  At the end of the week, I display the answers with my Elmo and the kiddos correct them.  It's a fun way to practice to many important skills.

Flip Books are also our new favorite thing.  It's SOOOOO much better than using the workbooks that come with your standard reading program because kids have fun putting them together.
It's a great independent activity.  You can extend it by having your kiddos choose a few of the words and use them in a sentence.

In the 2nd grade version of "Multiple Meaning Match-Up," students find the matching words and have to use each card in a different way.  This is such a tough skill, especially for your English Language Learners.  Why not have some fun with it!

Here's the 1st grade version of "Verb Memory." Students match the verb in the past tense with the verb in the future tense and record their answers.  To help your struggling kiddos, each photo on the past tense card matches the future tense card.

I'm pushing finding the main idea and supporting details.  It melts my heart when kiddos say "The main idea of the story was..."  The Pot of Gold game is an adorable way to review this key comprehension skill. This activity is found in both the 1st and 2nd grade versions.  Students read the main idea on each pot of gold.  Then, they read the coins that have the details and decide which details support the pots of gold main ideas.

Putting words in ABC Order is a skill students need to use a dictionary and glossary.  This activity is also found in both versions.
Students put the words in alphabetical order and record their answers.
If you don't want to use the words to manipulate, students can simply just use the recording form.
We'll be starting the Green Writing tomorrow and I can't wait.
1st and 2nd grade packet
2nd grade packet

To make it a little more fun, I bought St. Patty's Day photo props from Target and took photos of my kiddos to glue onto their writing.  To protect their privacy, I'll brave a horrible photo of myself and my props.

Finally, my kiddos have had a blast with their Lucky Leprechaun writing {in both packs}.  They chose a leprechaun to decorate and wrote a narrative story.

Another center we've been having fun with is a "Magic Container" filled with magic.  It's a fun sight word practice activity that my students have had so much fun with!
Pour dry rice into a bag.
Add a few drops of water and green food coloring.

Put rice on wax paper and let dry for 30 minutes.
I used disposable containers with a locking lid.  You can also use a water bottle.  I added the rice, sight words, some green glitter, and some green coins.

Students rolled the container around and wrote the words down.  When they were finished, they read the words they wrote to a partner.  Then, they traded containers with their partner and wrote those new words down and then read those to each other.  It's a fun way to practice reading sight words and it's even better that the students are engaged and don't realized that they are learning.

If you're interested in these centers, click on the photo below to catch them while they're on sale!


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