Books Teachers Love: Earth Day

It's so important to teach our students about caring for the Earth.  I love that Earth Day encourages it, but it's something we can do with our students the entire school year.  I am going to share a few of my favorite "Protecting Mother Nature" books and some activities that you can do in your class.

This month, I've teamed up with several teachers to bring you our favorite books.  Want more read aloud suggestions for the entire year?  Just click the button below!

It was so hard to choose my favorite book to share with the kiddos the important about caring for our Earth.  During my second year of teaching, I was very, like very very into keeping our beaches clean.  I was the crazy person who would pick up someone's cigarette butt after they dropped it right in front of me and ask them if they knew where it would go now that it was on the ground.  I started an organization called Surfing Clean Water and we raised money for local conservancy organizations.  The coolest part was taking 4 classes of kindergarteners to the beach and doing a beach clean up.  My kids became kinda obsessed like me and were inspired to create a school-wide recycling program.  It was a huge hit, spread awareness, and even raised money for our school.  That year, this book became my favorite.

I've said it before but I'm a sucker for books with vibrant colors and pictures.  I picked up Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel with Scholastic points but you can grab it on Amazon with my affiliate link, where I'm given a small fee for referring you.

This book kind of reminds me of the sing-songy type Dr. Seuss ones.  It's about a little town that's a hot mess!  They leave their trash all over the place and could care less about pollution.

Michael Recycle comes to town and teaches them the importance of recycling.  The kids really love that he's a super hero!

I love that it gives practical tips that you know the kiddos will just eat up.

After we read the story, we do all sorts of Earth Day activities on the Smart Board.  I have a very old blog post before I knew about blogging with a few great ideas as well!  We make signs to hang up around the school.  Just good ol' fashioned construction paper and markers will do.  I love to incorporate art and writing (for that academic component if you have an admin. whoever questions you doing art.
We create an anchor chart and talk about the things we will and will not do.  This is a great class discussion.

Then, students answer the prompt: I can make the world a better place by...

Choose which art form is your favorite.  One year we used watercolors.

One time, we used tissue paper to make the Earth.

Short on time?  Just have kiddos color it during a literacy workshop center!

I think tear art looks gorgeous so this is my favorite form!  Just take out a bunch of construction paper and let students do all the work.  They just tear and glue!
(photo submitted by a blogger last year and I don't remember who.  If it's you, let me know and I'll give you credit!)

Our learning doesn't stop there.  We read all of these books as well and spend the entire week working on our environmental game!  All of our math and ELA centers are Earth Day themed throughout the week to really tie it all in.

Other books perfect to teach about protecting the environment

Want to check out more books and activities for this month's Books Teachers Love?

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  1. Well that book just went into my Amazon cart! Thank you!

  2. I love Michael Recycle! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Peggy @ Primary Flourish

  3. It is amazing how you used your passion to inspire your kiddos to create change. Those illustrations are SO fun to look at! I'll need to check it out!
