Books Teachers Love: April Read Alouds

I know we're not suppose to choose an April Read Aloud by it's cover, but I couldn't help it with this adorable book.  What can I say, I'm a sucker for bright colors and cute illustrations.  Each month, a few teachers get together and share our favorite read alouds and activities that will help you plan your upcoming month.  Not only that, but we give away 4 books too!  I'll also be sharing some of the items you can pick up on Amazon using my *affiliate link.  I am compensated for these recommendations but wouldn't share them if I didn't use them in my class!

Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!

Like I said before, I chose *The Easter Bunny's Assistant by Jan Thomas because it just looked adorable and perfect for my 2nd graders.  This book is about a rabbit who is getting ready for Easter.  A cute little skunk (is that a thing?) wants to help and just gets so dang excited that he can't control his gas. The kids get a real laugh out of it!

I love to read thematic books during our read aloud time, especially since we're working on so many thematic ideas during reading, writing, and math.  This books is meant for enjoyment, but can be used for so many things.  We read the story and talk about the format.  This is a perfect format since we just finished our quotation unit.

Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!

You can have the students rewrite the quote using quotation marks.  For example, The rabbit shouted, "Uh...Skunk, what is that smell?"

Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!

The kids seriously go crazy for this part!

When we're doing with the story, I love to do this directed drawing by Proud to be Primary.  I love it even more because it's easy and it's free!  We hang them up in our memory books for a great keepsake for our families.  All you need are *watercolors and some *paper.

Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!

If you want to go crazy, you can even do a directed drawing for a skunk here!  These videos are my favorite because you just press play and the lesson begins with no work on your part!  It's a win-win!
Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Are you looking for April Read Alouds that your students will love? We've got 12 read alouds with activities that you can use in your class tomorrow!
Want more April read alouds, check them out below!

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  1. Such a cute directed drawing :) Thanks for sharing these great activities!

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