Books Teachers Love for November

We're back for another edition of Books Teachers Love and this month, we're bringing you our favorite November read alouds.  Each month, we share our books and some activities that you can use in your classroom tomorrow.  And the best part, you can win 4 of them!

One of my favorite read alouds in November is Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano.  It's about a little turkey who is in a lot of trouble because the farmer wants to cook him for Thanksgiving dinner.  He does his best to escape being turned into dinner by dressing up in different costumes to disguise himself.  The kiddos go nuts because they think the turkey is the absolute funniest because he's just so ridiculous.

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I always read this book to get the kiddos excited about their November Family Art project.  In November, the kids take home a turkey to disguise. They love, love, love this activity!  They have a week to decorate it with their family and present it to the class on Friday.  They are just so dang proud of their hard work and my kids love asking them how long it took to make.  Plus, these make for an adorable bulletin board.  I always have them write about the steps to create the turkey, which is perfect for 1st graders, or write an opinion paper to the farmer convincing him to save him.  Hello, perfect for Common Core and opinion writing!

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  1. Turkey Trouble...a classroom Classic!!! How did you make the little slideshow in your sidebar?

    1. I think if you look on TPT, there's a spot that tells you how you can add the widget to your blog. Go to the Dashboard, look under Marketing and Promotions, and then click on "Download a Widget..."

      The link is here:

  2. Thanks.I do need to add a TPT widget to my blog. I was wondering about the other slideshow. I clicked widget and it appears to be an Instagram slideshow. When I clicked the slideshow, I was directed to a site called Intagme...never heard of it. Thanks for responding.
