Books Bloggers Love: Back to School

I've teamed up with 11 other teachers to bring you a monthly link up of some of our favorite books.  This month, we're sharing our favorite Back to School Books that we hope you can use in your classroom.  Each month on the 15th, we'll be sharing some of our fave books and giving away 4 copies as well.  How awesome is that?!?!
I remember during my teacher credential program {Go State} that one of my favorite professors would model a Read Aloud during each class.  I absolutely thought First Day Jitters was hilarious because the ending was such a surprise!

{I'm part of the Amazon affiliates program where I earn a small amount from our purchase}

For the last nine years, I've always read this to my kiddos within the first hour of our first day together.  I know they must be as nervous as myself and this book is a perfect icebreaker.  

Basically, it's about Sarah Jane Hartwell's first day of school at her brand new school.  She's so dang nervous and comes up with every excuse to avoid the first day.  I can relate, starting a new school is scary.  In the end, the reader finds out that Sarah Jane isn't a student, but the new teacher!  The kids get a huge laugh out of it because they assumed {I was guilty}it was about a little girl.  

This is the perfect time to talk about how the class was feeling this morning while they were getting ready.  It's a great icebreaker and lets you get to know your kiddos a little more.  Plus, it's perfect to begin modeling some comprehension skills such as making connections, asking questions, and making predictions
If you've followed me for sometime, you know that I've taught at several schools, so I've had many first days in new schools.

Here are a few ideas you can use with this book:
Slideshow {great discussion questions}
Ideas to ease first day jitters
First Day Jitters response freebie

I love this book so much that I also purchased the End of the Year related story with Mrs. Hartwell's Class!
Each month, we'll be giving away 4 of our favorite books so make sure to enter below.
Want to read about some other great Back to School books?  Click below!
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