Five for Friday, a new job, freebies, a VEGAS meet up and a Giveaway

It's amazing how much blogging can get down when I'm not teaching.  I've been working like a crazy woman this week and have loved creating new items and even broke out the laminator.  I've even chosen to work rather than spend time at the beach.  My creativity this week has been beyond.  BUT…I vow to turn off the computer and spend way less time stalking on social media next week.  After all, it's my birthday week and I need to be outdoors way more!

For those of you who have followed my journey, I'm excited because I officially signed my contract yesterday for my new district.  I'll be leaving Orange County and am moving to North County, San Diego to teach 2nd grade.
It's felt so good to design and create this week.  If I wasn't a teacher, I'd definitely be an interior designer like my momma.  I love pretty things and this is one side of teaching that I truly love!  I've been busy creating clip charts and daily schedule cards.

 I received an early birthday present this week and am beyond ecstatic because I could never justify spending this much on shoes.  But I'm sure after using this gorgeous gift charge, I'll change my mind and will eventually have a closet full of Tieks!  Do you own a pair?  Are you obsessed with them?
Did you hear?  Have you been seeing this images all over social media?
Learn about back to school items, see them in use on Pinterest, enter giveaways, and download freebies on Facebook.  It starts on the 21st!
Courtney from Ramona Recommends and I got together and will be hosting a dinner for those of you going to the Vegas TpT conference.

If you're interested in going, please click here so we can organize a fun dinner for you!
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  1. Ohhh I am so jealous of your tieks! I have been eying them forever but just can't justify it yet... hopefully I can grab a pair soon.

    Can't wait to meet you in Vegas!! Congrats on the new job- so exciting!!

    Happy weekend :)

    XO, Kelly Anne

  2. Just filled out the form for the Dinner in flight leaves at 10:55 that night so I'd have to be at the airport around 9 but I really want to join for at least a little while! :) What a great idea! Thanks for hosting :)

  3. So excited! I just filled out the form for my teaching partner and myself! Looking forward to it!

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