Do the months just seem to be flying be, or is it just me? I absolutely loved February with my kiddos. We got so much accomplished and I'm really starting to see them blossom and "get it." This time of the year is when I also see the gap grow wider and I'm worried for a few of my little ones. I'm taking a break from creating things for my kiddos and classroom and enjoying some quiet time this weekend. I even told my sweet boyfriend to stay in San Diego so I could relax and get some rest {who's got time to listen to snoring?}!
This edition of "Currently" is pretty self-explanatory. I'm doing a much better job of finding balance between teaching, creating, and having a social life after posting about the blessing and curse Teachers Pay Teachers can be!
I don't know about you, but teaching in California has been very hard once the economy tanked. About 400 tenured teachers {including myself} were laid-off from a great district back in 2009. Since then, it's been a struggle moving from school-to-school, in hopes of a permanent position. I even moved out of state and followed me dream of teaching somewhere absolutely magical. Every March, the dreaded pink slips go out. Although I've received one almost every year in my 9 years of teaching, it never gets easier or makes you feel any better about the amazing teacher you know that you are. Without getting too political, I'll end with this. It would be amazing if great teachers were rewarded and given stability in a profession where they are most needed. It would be amazing if the needs of our children were put first. What I wouldn't give for just one summer where I wasn't anxious about having to go through filling out more applications, interviews, and anxiety. To be able to stay in one grade level at the same school, from one year to the next, so I could enjoy a summer off, would be a dream! To all of you amazing teachers in the same position, know that your pink slip has nothing to do with your ability as an educator. You are amazing, inspiring, passionate, and driven. I know it's hard to continue being an amazing teacher when your future is unknown. Trust me, I get it. It's what has kept you coming back, year-after-year. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll do the same!
I can't imagine how this feels. My heart goes out to you. Keep the faith and keep doing what you're doing. Your kiddoes are the ones who matter. Wishing you the best of luck in your search for job stability,
ReplyDeleteI have only experienced being "pink-slipped" once when I had been a long-term substitute for the district I work for now. I saw the assistant superintendent coming across the playground and then had to try desperately not to cry as I lined my little ones up! Given the products you create, your blog content, and the kind words posted by Dr. Christopher Weber, I have a feeling you will land where you are valued and where you belong. Keep the faith and keep taking care of yourself. It sounds like a weekend of R & R was just what you needed and deserved!
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that Hawaii and California are your two favorite places?
Warm Regards,
That is crazy! I've never heard of teachers getting pink slips. We were told 2 years ago that there are 1,000 teachers waiting outside our doors for our jobs, but I thought it was an idle threat.
ReplyDeleteMy guess...What are the two places you've taught?
My heart breaks reading your story -- I feel like I am in your shoes (jumping around from district to district due to budget cuts and/or politics) and the anxiety of every interview can be quite overwhelming. I hope you can find peace in whatever district you find.
ReplyDeleteAs a CA teacher...I Agree! It totally sucks that great teachers are put in turmoil for the months prior to the start of the year! Instead of letting these fantastic teachers PREPARE for the kids, we keep stirring the POT! Put ALL teachers in place before the END of the school year! How can you be HIGHLY QUALIFIED when you find out the grade level you are going to teach the day before? I don't get it! As a veteran CA teacher (23+ years) , we are with YOU! Come to LODI...we need teachers like you! :)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't imagine what you must go through every summer! I'm so sorry!! I know that you'll be hired back, how could you not!?! I am guessing the answer to your question is the two states you've taught in!?! What was teaching in Hawaii like?! That sounds amazing, and since I know you're a beach girl would totally make sense!!
ReplyDeleteMrs. 3rd Grade
Thank you for your post! I have worked for 3 years in 2 different districts, 3 grade levels, four classrooms, and under two different principals. That doesn't include the year of subbing I did! This year I found out I do not have a job anymore, and it was heartbreaking. I have applied to 47 districts in Nd around Cleveland, Ohio with 13 interviews (some are multiple rounds, since I usually make it to the final round but don't get the job). I have not yet found the job that will make me happy, both personally and financially. Thank you for your blog and I am excited to see what you post in the coming school year.