I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching after a long, hard day! I'm thinking this 1/2 combo class is stretching me a bit too thin. Looking forward to a weekend to decompress.
Our Donors Choose project was funded a few weeks ago and we are loving our new Samsung Chromebooks. We use them daily for math practice with ST math and Lexia for Intervention.
I bought these cute little plastic hearts at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and knew I wanted to use them for a math center. I just used puffy-paint and came up with some addition and subtraction problems.
As a Reading Specialist, I'm confident in my ability to differentiate reading. However, math is always an area I want to teach better. Creating math centers in an easy peasy way has been a life saver for a combo class with so many different learning styles and abilities.
We began learning about solid shapes this week. My 2nd graders loved creating 3-D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks. Then we went on a museum walk around the class {with our hands be hind our backs} to check out everyone's great work!
My 2nd graders also finished up with their fractions unit. Got this adorable pizza freebie on TpT. They loved it!
Today, we began plane shapes. They cut out plane shapes to make these cute little lovebots. Zero prep. for me and lots of fun for them! Did I mention when we began this, I was checking their background and one of my kiddos drew a plane for a plane shape???
I may be at my breaking point when it comes to reading and following directions. I decided to create this sneaky freebie to see which kiddos can follow directions. We did this activity today because I needed the laugh. Needless to say, we failed miserably. But it did manage to get a solid 10-minutes of laughing for myself. Here's a few photos from our afternoon.
Picking up trash
Doing push-ups
Drawing and coloring circles.
If these little munchkins read and followed the directions. These little loves would have realized that they didn't need to do any of these silly activities.
After a long day and an hour and a half commute, so blessed to come home to this gorgeous beach town. Happy weekend friends!
Your pictures of the following directions activity are hilarious. It was worth doing the activity just to be able to laugh. The kids didn't even seem to notice me laughing as they were having so much fun "following the directions." Thanks for sharing that great activity.
ReplyDeleteI do LOVE these pink school buses on your blog - they do make me smile every time I visit.
I love love love your quiz, HILARIOUS!
ReplyDelete&&& I absolutely LOVE ST Math, we used to do it at my school and math scores were through the roof. We changed and all h-e-double hockey sticks is breaking loose with math ;) I like to think the district made a bad call on getting rid of it! Hope your kids are liking GIGI!
I can't wait to get to shapes and do that 3D shape activity you did!
&&& how are those chrome books?? I'm working on getting laptops in our room as well!